Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Way to Go, Steelers!

THE STEELERS WON!!!!!!!!!!! IN DETROIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, since the Lions weren't playing, I had to pick a team. So I chose the one that beat the Colts. The one that Mark's family loves (they're from Pittsburgh). We went to Orlando to escape the busyness of Detroit surrounding the Super Bowl, but we still managed to watch the last 30 seconds of the game. The weather was gorgeous there! Most of the time. It rained for a day and a half. Oh, and guess what else? We rented a CONVERTIBLE! First time I'd ever ridden in a convertible. Because it was only a two door, we had to switch Irene's car-seat around. There really isn't much of a way that we could have gotten her in and out if we had left it rear-facing. According to my scales at home, she IS 20 lbs. now. The weather was a little cool for convertible-driving, but we just wore our jackets when we drove anywhere.

Here's a little story for you: Irene has a cousin, Joel, who is 3. They have a toy where you put colored balls in colored holes then pound them with a mallet and they roll out. Well, Joel put a chess piece through one of the holes and reached his little hand in there to get it. Unfortunately, his hand with the chess piece in it didn't quite fit back through the hole. He didn't know how to get back out, so he started saying "Mommy, Mommy, I'm stuck!" My sister-in-law got him out and came back to her conversation with us. That's when Irene put her hand it the hole and said, "Mommy, duck! Duck! Duck!" Then she shook her hand to show that she really was stuck and it came right out.


Blogger Nick said...

Wow, I've never been in a convertible. Glad y'all had a good time.

2/08/2006 1:36 PM  

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