Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More Counting

Irene has developed a love for counting. A month ago, she was only saying "One, two, one, two." Nearly two weeks ago, she learned some more numbers. Grandma (C.) has a little purse with five bracelets, and she and Irene counted them over and over and over and over as Irene took them in and out of the purse.

"One, two, free, fie, seek."* Run across the room as fast as you can. Repeat.

What about four, you might wonder? She will say "forr" if prompted, but she apparently doesn't realize that it belongs between "free" and "fie".

As I was doing my devotions this morning, Irene was getting in my face. She doesn't like it when I read, no matter what it is, unless I'm reading to her. Out of the blue, she started patting my Bible and saying "ba-boo, ba-boo". It actually took me a minute to figure out she was saying "Bible, Bible". It threw me because I didn't know she knew it was different from a regular book!

*"One, two, three, five, six."


Blogger Tamara Rose said...

cool! I didn't know you had a blog! Well I'll try to comment more.

Tell Iren and Mark I said hi and that i miss them!

Have a wonderful weekend.

4/08/2006 1:31 AM  

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