Tuesday, November 27, 2007


This is turning into a more of a travel blog than anything else! Yes, I have had two trips since the last post. I think they each deserve a post of their own, so after posting approximately monthly, there will be TWO new posts in ONE day.

The first was a trip to Toronto by train with Helen. I wanted to go, but couldn't see myself driving there without adult company and two children. As it turned out, the train wasn't terribly expensive...for one person. To take Irene would have been half again as much. Helen was free, of course. Unbelievably, we received our passports in less than three weeks, without getting them expedited, so we got to use them for the first time. There was quite a backlog over the summer and passports were taking up to 12 weeks to come in rather than the normal 4-6 weeks. We didn't really need passports this time, because we were crossing the border by car, and birth certificates are sufficient up until sometime in January, 2008.

Irene stayed with my family, and cried when I left (but was soon her happy self again, I was later told). I reminded myself as I drove away to treasure these moments because it won't be long before she doesn't miss me at all when she's away from home. Mark dropped us off at the train station in Windsor the next morning before work. We had a nice four hour ride on the train, two hours of which Helen slept in my arms. That was also time that I treasured, as I don't often get to just sit with Helen, totally focused on her. We had a great time with my very good friend of over 20 years and her new husband. I was reminded how much easier one baby is than even one toddler/preschooler. I'm sure that they will get easier again someday. (10? 12? 16? 18? 25?) Train travel was so much nicer than car travel. No traffic to worry about. Predictable stops. No need to stop to nurse. But then, I had to pack as little as possible to fit everything into one small suitcase. I couldn't take anything extra along. I had to struggle with the stroller and carseat. All in all, I would travel by train again, but if I take Irene too, I'll need money to tip for all the help I'll need.


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