Monday, May 22, 2006

Short and Sweet

Yesterday, Irene ran up to me, and said, "Mommy, tiss? This was the first time ever... So of course, I let her give me a kiss, and she gave me one on each cheek. When she was done, she said, "I love oo, Mommy!"
"I love you, too, Irene!"
"I love oo, too!"
It pretty much melted me.

Monday, May 15, 2006


A short Irene story from last week: Mark was getting ready to leave for work, and Irene said "No work, Daddy. No do* work!"
He replied that he had to go to work, and she answered by saying "NO, do* church!"

*means go, rhymes with go

Friday, May 12, 2006

Silver Cars (my car actually is silver...)

Today is a very big day. I am finally able to rent a car. My car insurance rate went down today. A quarter of a century of living. Is it called a silver birthday?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Children in Worship

Woah, I hadn't realized how long it's been since my last post! Sorry! Here are two stories from Sunday, both occurred during worship.

The text for the morning sermon on Sunday was from Matthew 18, and as Rev. Joseph was reading it, he came to this phrase and read it very loudly: "PAY ME WHAT YOU OWE!" At that point Irene was a bit startled and responded, also loudly, "NO!"

A similar thing happened during the reading in the afternoon service, when he again read a sentence very loudly. (I can't find my bulletin, and I don't remember what passage it was.) Irene was shaking a little, and she whispered with wide eyes, "Mommy, scawy*!"
