Monday, July 24, 2006

Homeschool Alumni (HSA)!!!

Attention homeschooled friends: I recently found an online community of homeschool graduates, and I'm really enjoying meeting homeschoolers and former homeschoolers from all over the country. There are alot of fun-loving people there, but we also discuss more serious topics. Come see for yourself! You have to be at least 15 years old to join, but can't be a full member until 16 years of age. You also have to have been homeschooled at some point in your life, not necessarily high school (Mark is out, sadly). Let me know if you join! My username is......*drum roll*......covigirl.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Heat Wave

Ok, this is really weird. Orlando is COOLER than southern Michigan today! Actually, I think that has been the case all weekend, but I didn't check until last night. For some reason, our highs got flipped. I'm reminded of why I don't live in Orlando.

On a brighter note, my church building finally has A/C!!! Yesterday was the first Sunday that I got to experience it, but I heard that it was actually working last Sunday, too. Wow, what a day to have A/C at church! I walked out to go home, and felt like I walked into an oven. Whew! Normally, on a day like that, we would have had services in the cooler-but-still-unbearably-humid-and-slippery basement. Not only that, but the people in my church hang out and chat for a long time after the services are over (we're talking hours here), but on a day like yesterday, the church probably would have been cleared in five minutes with people desperate to get to their air-conditioned homes.