Saturday, December 23, 2006

She's Here!!!

Helen Ruth was born Thursday, December 21 at 9:09 am! She was 9lbs. 0oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. We are now home from the hospital, and it is a very good feeling. I mentioned in an earlier post that I was trying for a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section), and I succeeded! With a baby 1/2lb heavier than Irene was! I'm still sort of in shock that I did it. I'm currently very sore, but I feel better at two days post-partum than I did at five days after Irene.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Classical Fan

Time for a little Irene story. Mom S., please pass this along to Dad, as I think he'll enjoy it. This morning we were listening to a classical music station on our way to my midwife appointment. The "Hallelujah Chorus" by Handel started playing at some point, and I turned up the volume because that is one of my favorite pieces. Irene said, "That is loud!", so I asked if she wanted it turned back down. No, she was happy to have it loud. All too soon, it was over, and I immediately heard loud fussing and kicking in the back seat. She had a mini temper-tantrum that it was over because she liked it so much!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Boring Pregnancy Update

How could I let this slip so much?? Sorry, friends. My due date is two weeks from tomorrow, and I'm already worried that the baby won't show up until then. I'm doing as many natural things to induce labor as my midwife has given the OK for (we haven't talked castor oil yet, and I'm not sure I'm willing to go quite that far...). For those of you who didn't know this, Irene was born by C-section after a non-progressing labor, and I'm trying to have a VBAC with this one. It isn't a good idea to induce the usual way (with Pitocin) because it raises the already-increased risk of uterine rupture. Besides the fact that I'd like to go as natural as possible. Anyway, the baby is still very much inside, and I haven't had any consistent contractions, though the total number I get in a day is increasing. Sorry again, because this probably wasn't even very interesting to most of you.