Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Laura tagged me, so here goes.

"Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a journal entry with six random facts about yourself.
Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tags back. This explanation should be included."

Note: as many readers already know, I do "tags" when I get them, but I do not tag people--you're off the hook!

1. I'm pregnant. That's the foremost thing on my mind these days. I'm getting so close to my due date that I can't move without being reminded, and if I'm not moving, then the baby is reminding me.
2. I live in a house.
3. The second thing on my mind these days is food.
4. My bed is soooooo comfy, and I don't get to spend nearly as much time in it as I would like.
5. Irene is sitting on my lap right now.
6. I made hot chocolate mix yesterday. YUM!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

My Future Brother-in-Law (gotta love 'im :-D)

Edit: Here is a link to the google video that inspired Scott. The specific part is approximately 2:51 minutes into the video. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Presbytery and Other News

Sorry it's been so long, guys. Right now, we are getting ready for a presbytery meeting at our church Thursday through Saturday. [For those of you who don't know what "presbytery meeting" is, it is elders (delegated by their church) from several churches who gather together to make church decisions.] During the meeting, on Friday night, our new pastor (James Faris) will be installed!!!

He and his family moved here a week ago, and his youngest child is Irene's age. She and Irene have already started getting into trouble together. Irene learned recently how to work the water fountain at church (standing on a footstool), and taught her little friend how to work it as well. Now the two of them have free access to a drink whenever they want. Thankfully, it is only water!

People around the church are hosting the delegates, and we will be having four of them stay with us. One of the four is my brother-in-law! This is exciting for us because we normally see him and his family only at Thanksgiving because they live a lot further from Beaver Falls, PA than we do, and we will be staying home for Thanksgiving this year. The only downside is that his family isn't coming up with him.

Speaking of staying home for Thanksgiving, we are staying home because by that point, I will be 36 weeks pregnant. Only 4 weeks away from my due date. For me, that is a little close to be taking even a 5 hour trip. For those of you who don't know, my sister is getting married TWO WEEKS after I'm due, and I'm her Matron-of-honor. Please, please pray that this baby comes two-three weeks early!!!